We always have room for new writers wanting to publish their work with us. If you feel that expressing yourself through writing is your strength, then we have the right platform for you to explore your creative side. We have a wide readership that always appreciates high-quality content. You will receive great exposure by joining our writing team.Good quality and accurate information is vital to what we do. Therefore, your submitted pieces will be judged against the following criteria.
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- Original and plagiarism-free content backed by proper research.
- Any and all use of statistical data must include accurate source citations.
- Your submitted work must have good quality English.
- The style, structure and tone of your submitted pieces should reflect a proper understanding of your target audience.
- The Article should be 750- 1500 Words long.
Submission Procedure:
Please email your work to email.write4us@gmail.com in the form of a PDF or MS Word file.